First steps

  1. Decide who will have access to mailing lists, whether they will be moderated, whether you will allow file sharing, etc.
  2. Install all of the required modules and libraries, i.e. PHPMailer and Mail_mimeDecode (if you will allow file sharing). You will also need to have some Pear libraries installed on the server (see the Readme files with the helper modules). Set permissions for the modules according to your site’s needs.
  3. Create needed content types. You will need at least a Groups content type for your Organic Groups. You might also create a Discussion content type for nodes created from incoming emails. That makes it easier to keep mailing list traffic separate from other site content, which is particularly important if the mailing list is not open to anonymous visitors to your site. I also have an Announcement node type for lists that provide only notifications and calendar entries not open to the public. Announcement nodes have comments disabled.
  4. Create a user called Listmaster with the email address
  5. Create a mailbox on your mail server for Listmaster.